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Monday, February 25, 2013

TOYOL....susah nak percaya... tapi kena percaya juga....

Things go missing almost everyweek....
pelik kan... adakah ini kerja  

What is TOYOL...

A Toyol is an infant spirit from Malay mythology of South-East Asia (notably Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore).
 Invoked by a Bomoh (or Dukun) from a dead human foetus using black magic.
 Typically the size of a new born with a big head, small hands, clouded eyes and grey bloodless skin. 
Kept in a urn or jar until needed, they are a mischievous spirit used for theft, sabotage and even murder. 

Not very intelligent, and are easily distracted by marbles, beans, sand and strands of garlic used by humans to divert them. 
They have a severe phobia of their own reflection and humans often take advantage of this by placing their money and other valuables under mirrors. 

In return for stealing and other petty crime the owner is required to provide them with blood suckled from his wife’s (or another female member of their family) breast.
 If injured the Toyols wounds will surface on it's adopted owner.

*Due to the fact that toyols have bodies that should be dead, they usually have skin with a greenish or bluish hue, and eyes that are red.
 It has small sharp teeth with which to feed, and might have long messy hair. 
Toyols are not known to fly, but they are very good at hiding from humans.
 There are no known warning signs that a toyol is about, except that things go missing often. 
Toyols may also suck on the big toes of people who are sleeping, so sometimes small bite marks are also indications that a toyol was present (although I'd rather suspect a mosquito was at work).

Serammmmm..... macam mana nak halang dari gangguan TOYOL?????

*To stop a toyol from disturbing you, you can either try to catch the toyol using mice traps or engage the services of a more powerful bomoh than the one who resurrected the toyol
 in the first place.
* Making peace with the neighbour whom you suspect the toyol belongs to is also
 a good move to make.

*Some people claim that the toyol's appetite would increase as they perform more and more tasks, until the point where they may require fresh blood from an entire human adult to satisfy their craving. 
Sometimes toyols will accept money
 in place of blood.

= (

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