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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Perpisahan itu...selalu terjadi....

Luahan hati seorg ibu yg memahami kesedihan & kekeliruan seorang anak... "Tidak perlu berasa terlalu sedih dengan setiap perpisahan. Perpisahan adalah pintu untuk pertemuan yang baru. Tanpa perpisahan bolehkah orang baru itu kita kenali?... seterusnya menjadi sahabat kita. Perpisahan walaupun sakit untuk diterima, bergembiralah kerana ia akan mengajar kita erti ketabahan. Relakan perpisahan dengan redha dan bersyukur. Jika mampu senyum maka tersenyumlah." Bukan senang untuk menerima perpisahan apatah lagi dengan sahabat / teman yg siang malam, susah senang setia bersama sama selama ini.... Namun untuk mengejar masa depan yg gemilang....pasti perlu ada perpisahan... In Sha Allah suatu hari nanti pasti bertemu kembali.... Mana tahu rezeki...kot2 satu Universiti pula... Terima Cabaran jangan cepat mengalah.... Cepat mengalah bermakna "looser"... Macam mana nak hidup di luar sana yg penuh cabaran!!!!...???!!!.. Just remember this.... New Enviroments, New Friends, New Teachers, Everything is New except the Building... But here/there.... They are greatful because they have produced a lot of successful students. Make sure you are one of them... Good Luck my Son... Mum will always be behind you in every single way and always will... I know you, I trust you, I believe you can fulfill what u want.. "MAKING YOUR DREAMS A REALITY IS WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT".. This place is just One small stepping stone toward a bright future... Luv always...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things you should not give your pet

Our pets are happiest when they get
 our love and attention. 
Bcoz of this we sometimes tend to spoil them... When we have our meal and our pet is closed by...
it is easy to feed them what we eat... 
Some pets will eat almost anything.
So we need to be careful or 
they will end up at the vet. 

Do watch what you feed your pets to prevent any problems.

Our children should also be taught that what's good for them may not be as good for their pets, even though they may only want to pamper them. 

It is best to just make sure that pets eat a well balance diet suitable for them...

Below are list of No not good food for pets. 

1. Bones

Bones can actually be harmful for animals.. 

Small bones like fish or chicken can break and stuck in their mouth or throat or intestines and block the passage.
If this happens, a surgery may be necessary.

2. Chocolates 

Chocolates can effect the heart, nervous system and arteries. 

Symptoms include vomitting or diarrhoea or more serious ones. 
If your pet has eaten chocolate you should your vet immediately. 

3. Alcohol 

Alcohol is very bad for cats. Even a little can make pet DRUNK. Animals can bump into things and hurt themselves. 

A high amount of alcohol will effect the heart, nervous system and breathing which can lead to death. 
It is best to give your pet clean water. 

4. Milk 

Milk consumed by us human is not good for pets as it can cause diarhoea. Goat milk can only be fed to newborns and should be stopped at four to six weeks after birth. 

5. Salted food and meat 
These food are very dangerous as they are high in fat and very salty. Can cause serious stomach ache.  

6. Onions 
Onions are poisonous to pets. They can damage their red blood cells and can cause death in animals. Once eaten the onion, your pet may become pale, weak and have trouble breathing. Get your pet to the vet right away if your pet get ill after eating onions. 

7. Caffeine
Is also bad for pets. Like chocolate it effects the heart, nervous system and within several hours can cause vomitting, fast heart beat and even death. So make sure your pet stay away from coffee and tea. 

8. Avocados 
Avocados are very high in fat and can cause stomach upset. The seed is poisonous and can get stuck in the intestines leading to a blockage, which may require an operation. 

9. Tuna 
 you may be surprised to know that tuna fish alone is bad for cats.. Cats require an amino acid called taurine to maintain normal srength and function. Tuna fish for us, does not have taurine and cats that eat too much tuna fish will develop heart problems.
If you want to give your cat the taste of tuna that they love, just make sure it is tuna fish for cats....

10. Grapes and raisins.
Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney problems in pets..
Small cats can also choke on grapes...

So guys, 
Love your pet the way you love your children....
Banyak pahala menjaga & membela mereka....

Pls visit for more info...
This article is courtesy of the Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation...

Sharing Is Caring...

Bye for now...

Take Care...


Sue Md

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tarikh Tarikh Penting Dalam Islam Tahun 2013.1435H

TAHUN 2013 / 1435 H

12 Rabiulawal 1434
24 Januari 2013


27 Rejab 1434
6 Jun 2013


* 1 Ramadhan 1434
10 Julai 2013


17 Ramadhan 1434
26 Julai 2013


* 1 Syawal 1434
8 Ogos 2013


1 Zulhijjah 1434
6 Oktober 2013


10 Zulhijjah 1434
15 Oktober 2013


1 Muharam 1434
5 November 2013

* Tertakluk kepada perubahan

Sumber :

Jawatankuasa Teknikal Kalendar Islam
Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Leave behind a legacy of Love...


a very good morning....
how's everything....?
hopefully good,

Just read an article somewhere 
& found it very interesting...
It's all about "The WILL..."

Dalam kesibukan menjalani kehidupan seharian  kadang tuu kita terlepas pandang....
benda yg remeh jer tapi amat2 penting....

Just imagine you spend a lifetime creating wealth to give your loved ones security and comfort. 
Whether residential, commercial properties, vehicles, cash, stocks and bonds 
or other forms of investment...

Why let your assets become a subject of unnecessary bitter contention when you are no longer here?

Protect your legacy with a WILL so that the assets that you leave behind go rightfully to the very people you worked hard to provide for when you were living.

Bagi umat Islam, sungguh pun pembahagian harta pusaka adalah tertakluk kepada 
Undang-Undang Faraid, kita juga digalakkan untuk menulis wasiat bagi memudahkan proses pembahagian harta 
(sebagaimana yg dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang sama) 
kepada sesiapa yang dinamakan oleh anda dalam wasiat - waris, kawan, pertubuhan kebajikan dan sebagainya..
(tertakluk kepada persetujuan waris)

Go for Islamic yang ada kerjasama strategik dgn AMANAHRAYA

Write you WILL today, 
so that they can live their tomorrows 
as you would desire.

Sharing is Caring....

Fikir dan bertindak sekarang....

Luv always...

Sue Md

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blanch Is great, it really makes a difference...

Hey guys...
Just wanna share something simple...

Selain Steaming
(just luv steamed broccoli tabur black pepper & a little pinch of salt
same goes with snow peas... buat beberapa minit jer dah siap & lagi sedap dari yg kita order kat kedai Shushi2 tuuu...satu plate dlm RM3-4 kan..kita beli snow peas baru less than RM2...lagi crunchy, fresh & sweet )

Blanching vegetables is a basic technique everyone knows kan...
Just about any vegetable can be blanched...

Bahan2 yg perlu cuma...

Ice @ Cold water
Salt @ a pinch of baking soda
Bekas besar @ drainer
Large Pot

Cara2 :

Bring water to boil over high heat
Cut the vegetables into uniform sizes
Add a couple of tablespoon of salt - ikut citarasa
@ a pinch of baking soda
This is to maintain color & improve flavor

Masukkan veggies ke dlm air
dlm 1-2 minit 
 agak2 lah yer ikut firasat masing2.

terus masukkan ke dlm Ice Water 
or run cold water over them...

Bila vegetables are no longer warm...
Tapis dan boleh di simpan untuk masakan seterusnyer...

For me, 
sekarang ni if nak masak 
Kailan Masak Belacan, 
Sawi goreng Ikan Masin, 
Brokoli Tiram,
Beef with Snow Peas,
Sayur goreng campur
(cabbage, carrots, cauliflower etc etc)
 Sayur Lemak Kacang Panjang,
dan pelbagai lagi hidangan sayur2ran...

Me/Mum akan blanch dulu sayur2 tersebut...
dan kuah atau cara masakan yg kita nak tuu 
di buat asing dlm kuali lain...

Bila dah siap.. masak belacan ker,
 goreng ikan masin ker...
or whatever... 

Time nak makan just add jer 
blanched veggies tuuu...
 Make sure to barely heat them up 
and not cook them again.

Hidangan itu...
akan rasa crunchy/ranggup x layu 
 warna veggies pun cantik saja...
cuba try buat ok...

If you were to serve these vegetables 
right out of the pan,  
let say tumis all the onions 
and add cut veggies terus ke dlm masakan...
they would continue to cook and become too mushy....
kadang tuu warna pun cam dull jer...
x cantik menarik tertarik...
kids pun cam oh ok... sayur goreng...
ermmm ambil udang jer lah...

Niii bila kita tukar cara masak sikit... 
Kids bila tengok warna hidangan 
sayur cantik2, terang2 jer...
yang dulu x makan sayur pun terliur nak ambil....


My simple Kailan Goreng Belacan ..

Kailan potong ikut suka hati
- diblanch & keep a side

Tumbuk sehingga lumat 
seulas bawang putih, 
beberapa biji cili padi
me biasa guna 4-5
sedikit belacan, 
sebiji bawang merah kecil..

Tumis bahan2 tadi sehingga wangi
 + sedikit gula
 + kicap manis
 + kicap masin ...
ikut sukatan masing2.

Bila semua dah rasa dah ok...
 & nak hidang...
barulah di + kailan blanch tadi...

 Lebih kurang ginilah yer...
Yg ni my anak dara bongsu yg rajin nak tumbuk2 tuuu laahhh....
cam ada yg halus ada yg kasar cilinyer...

"Happy Cooking..."

Sue Md

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baca & fikir fikirkan...

Renung renungkan.... Hidup ini adalah satu kesibukan. Tanpa ada kesibukan tak usah hidup. Tiada kesibukan bagaimana mahu hidup. Allah bagi tulang empat kerat….waktu 24jam…akal fikiran…sihat tubuh badan…carilah kesibukan itu…agar hidup ini terisi….jiwa ini tak sepi.. Kesibukan adalah satu tanggungjawab. Manusia yang tak bertanggungjawab adalah manusia yang tak sibuk. Bukan tak penat  mengulit kehidupan yang penuh kesibukan. Penat. Letih.Kadang habis upaya. Namun atas satu tekad yang dipikul iaitu tanggungjawab maka kesibukan adalah satu terapi minda untuk kita terus bergerak. Satu kesibukan yang meletihkan tapi mampu mengukir kepuasan. Dipetik dari Blog & kata2 kak Nani Rostam @ Model 80 an. Asyik teringat2 kata kata beliau... Have a lovely day peeps... Assalammualaikum... Luv always.. Sue Md

Monday, January 21, 2013

Saja Saja jer niiiii....


Hai Again..

Tahap Saja xder kerja cari kerja...
Just wanna Share this walaupun
Ramai dah tengok kan...
but Entri Jameela ni best ...

"Bloggers buat Blog ni sebab Nak Espress...."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Renung renungkan...

Zaman ler ning semua mahal... Kos nak nikah kahwin pun dok soh katalah... silap2 dah beranok pinok punnnnn hutang kahwin belum selesai.... Namun.... Setiap suami ataupun isteri menginginkan sebuah rumahtangga yang bahagia dan damai. Setiap rumahtangga ada pasang surutnya. Kehidupan dan keharmonian rumahtangga boleh runtuh disebabkan oleh salahfaham, masalah kesihatan, masalah camputangan adik beradik sebelah suami ataupun isteri, mertua yg suka control baik di sebelah suami @ isteri... dan yang paling utama serta mendugakan adalah masalah ekonomi. Kebanyakan rumahtangga yang runtuh adalah disebabkan masalah ekonomi atau syndrom "No Money". Sungguh sedih sekira ianya berlaku....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Almost Noon...



Stop & Rest jap...


Mum cook simple2 jer today...


x perlu kot easy punyer...


Sup Tulang
Stim Peas
Telur Dadar
Terung Berlada
Sambal Belacan
Cut Green Apple...

Minuman - citarasa masing2..
(x bancuh lagi...
biasa Kids ambil sendiri sebab masing2 suka minuman yg berlainan...)
Mum suka Sky Juice Campur...jer 
ie Cold/Warm sekali masuk dlm gelas.....

Selamat Menjamu Selera....

Sue Md...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Hello Hello Hello.....
Hi again....,
A simple update for today K...
Hope you guys will enjoy seeing & watching.....


sapa2 dtg London memang x sah if x singgah c ni... 
x beli pun x per...
dapat masuk, 
rasa free samples...
kira window shopping
snapping photos pun dah kira Ok...
Janji Masuk kannnnn!!!!!!!!

well, same goes to us...
memang masuk & 
spent a few hours juga kat dlm ni... 
mahu x lama.... 
setiap floor tuuuu
lain2 tema, 
barangan & etc....
Dah masuk for sure....
x mahu beli....but
TERbelilah juga a few benda
(mahal giler brg kat sini 
penat dok kira2 kali dgn rate exchange 5..
cuma time Xmas ada sales 
so oklah not bad...)

kita info2 dulu a little bit about Harrods...
Y SO famos ??!!!
Located right outside the Knightsbridge tube station, Harrods has been a bastion of style and taste in London. 

Harrods continues to astonish & intrigue customers from all around the world with 1st class service, retail theatre, product quality and tea merchants .
 Harrods continues to go from....
 strength to strength...
Everything here are the finest luxury merchandise that are showcased in the lavish setting of the Knightsbridge store, 
stretching across 7 floors and 330 departments. 
If you have the time to spare,
 get yourself here to Harrods. 
The decadence is something to behold. 
Even people watching....
 can be an experience in itself. 
A definitely a must do & destination...
 tapi berkemungkinan besar juga U end up buying nothing / anything at all
unless you have a few hundred pounds spare...
No worries....
dlm Harrods bnyk print out recipe yg FOC...
terjumpa can take & try out.

The building itself is beautiful, impressive & inside you'll be more amazed especially at the Egyption decor..

The owner of Harrods...
(semua tahu kan...saja info2 d c ni)
Mohamed Al-Fayed....
was born in 1933 in Alexandria, Egypt 
(no wonderlah dlm Harrods penuh dgn dekorasi dari negara Egypt)

Al Fayed's has became himself a name after his beloved son Dodi was romantically linked to the late Lady Diana Spencer. Both were killed over a frantic rush i a Tunnel d'l Alma in Paris back in 1997, when they were trying to escape some paparazzi...

Enough said...
Check out the photos below...
I tell U, 
before masuk....
 dah berpuluh snap gambar kat luar....
dlm jgn katalah...
sibuk jer dgn camera...
x pun Ipad, 
x pun hp camera...
sambil2 tuu sibuk juga ....
mencari2 barang yg on sale....

Kids....Kat sini pun nak pose....
Saja2 lah tuu nak juga posing dekat Knightsbridge 

Tuuuu dia...tinggi, Gayat Mum...

before masuk ke dlm posing2 dulu...
Tapi Sofia & Maryam dah shopping/terus pakai
Kasut baru di Zara - sebelah jer dgn Harrods....

seisi bergambar di depan Harrods..

Harrods Xmas Window display pun sangat cantik... 
Tema tahun ini - Disney Magical fairy tales - Princesses... 
Cuba bayangkan....
Take the best of fashion, take the best of fairy tales, add a few drops of xmas spirit & a bit of fairy dust...
That's the magical recipe luxury London store Harrods has used this year to elaborate their  
Christmas Window displays...
The result is a dazzling catwalk of designer Disney Princessess that have temporarily turned Knightsbridge......
 into a glamorous Disneyland..
check it out.... 
names like Versace, Marchesa, Missoni, Valentino, Elie Saab or Oscar de la Renta are just some of the fairy godmothers that have used their magic to transform simple patung into dream like princesses...
Snow White, Cinderella, Jasmine, Belle or Ariel have never been so stylish...
kids pun leka duk tengok display satu persatu...

Ok kita masuk ke dlm pula yer....

once u step into Harrods, 
u can feel the luxuryness...
mulalah wah wah wah...woowwww wwowoo..
sambil sibuk duk tengok kiri kanan atas bawah...
(time ni ramai sangat org shopping xmas)

Saja jer snap gambar ni....
Manggis ni di tulis dari Malaysia....
Klezz gitu...
tapi harga dia ikut RM kita RM90 sekilo....90 tuuuu...SEKILO...
same goes dgn Laici...x silap RM 60 sekilo...
x segar mugar mana pun...glam jer lebih coz display kat dlm tuu..

seperti biasa...A must by oleh Maryam...
sebab tuu Mum awal2 x jln dgn dia...

Tin yg sangat cantik...
rasa teh sama jer...

Parfume.... haaaaaa Yg ni murah...
Borong borong...ada hadiah FREE lagi...

Tea...macam2 jenis ada....
aroma kat sini..fuhhhhh...
Ber 'Cat Walk' lagiii...
X senonoh betul Mum ni...dlm toilet pun nak snap...
Datang Harrods...
KENA Check out the Rest Room tau!!!!!!!
a must2 must....
Premier toilet but FOC xder kena bayar satu sen pun..
& ada perfume free lagi...
Maryam apa lagi..berapa kali entah duk masuk sini...

The Harrods Icon......
dah besar pun masih nak bergambar dgn TEDDY Bear....
not just any teddy bear...
Harrods punyer Icon lagi...
ermmmm patutlah...

 Shopping Jangan X shopping...

Dlm Harrods Shop ni x banyak sangat Mum Snapp....
Buzy shopping katakan...
Sofia kepenatan...
but bila ajak shopping jer... 
still can smile lor...

Lady D & Dodi Al-Fayed Memorials...

On the Lower Ground Floor -  
there is a Memorial in Harrods
Located at the base of the spectacular Egyptian escalator.

There is a quiet, candle-lit shrine to Dodi & Diana Princess of Wales.
The Memorial was constructed in 1998 with the original intention that it would remain in the store for 2 weeks only. It is still there to this day due to the vast numbers of people wishing to remember and express their own feelings about the tragedy of Dodi & Diana's end.

To reflect the happy days of the couple 's last holiday together, their portraits are set amidst sculptured seagulls and Mediterranean plants and leafage.
A fountain supports the images, with its endless flow of water symbol of eternal life.
The interlinked 'D' photo frames illustrate the power harmony of this romantic connection. Four candle burn steadily, adding a sense of peacefulness and the passing of time...

The Inscription beneath the acrylic pyramid reads :

"The wine glass has been preserved in the exact condition it was left on the couple's last evening together at the Imperial Suite at the Hotel Ritz in Paris, Dodi ought this engagement ring for Diana on the day before the tragedy"....

Ingatkan nak try makan d Harrods...
bila lagi kan...
Ramainyer orang...
siap beratur2 &
Queue pun panjang sekali....

So kami decided to eat......
 Fish & Chip kat tempat lain..
Jalan Jalan Jalan....
terjumpalah Restaurant ni...

the food was superb
portion dia besar 
(dua org makan pun ok tapi semua x mahu share sbb dah lappppaaaarrrr sangat)
 & cooked to perfection....
harga pun berpatutan...
ie 11 pound per pax...
at a Restraunt near Knightsbridge...
How nice is that...
(Poyor sungguhlah mum ni...saja jer..)

Perut dah kenyang, 
hari dah petang, 
hujan renyai2 dah stop...
kami still ada tempat yg perlu di tuju...
next N Tree yer....

Bye for now.....


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bila Lagi NAK Posing Ala Ala MODEL kannn = ) .......Eiffel Tower Paris France


Rabu hari pertama persekolahan 2013.... 
Finally aman damai sikit my home for the time being....
legaaaa kids masuk sekolah semula...
xdelah berperang sebab2....bangun lambat, bila bangun...belum mandi dah lepak depan TV, Mum bising2 baru mandi, kemas bilik lepas tuu makan habis makan...terus lak main PS2, XBox @ surfing....aduhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....pening2.. 
Now, schooling dah start... memang xtra buzylah mereka dgn pelbagai aktiviti & jadual pembelajaran yg ketat.... 

Ok, since ada extra time.... 
Mum got the chance to upload gambar2 yg dah lama duk tersimpan dlm camera.... 
fuyyyyooooooo memang banyak betul gambar2 yg dirakam oleh camera2 kids & Mum = D... Jenuh nak pilih mana satu nak cuci nanti...
semua cantik2
  (perasan betullah...well, cantik2 di mata Mum lah)... 

Mum share sikit2 jer dulu yer...
banyak2 nanti orang kata syok what...Y not...hahahaha...just kidding... 

Before that...just nak coret sikit...

Biasanya kids tengok dlm magazine jer orang posing posing kat Kota Paris ni 
especially area Eiffel Tower.... kids PUNYER TURN posing2  di situ... 
X masuk magazine pun xpe....just masuk family album pun dah ok.... 

Check it out...


Amboi...anak dara bongsu ku sorang niiii....
So Happpyyyy....I can't believe it...

camera tercepat klik x sempat pose

ala2 pose apa entah gini...
on the Bridge over Seine River..

Free style
Tuuuu dia...LuqH dah posing

Seronoknyer dia...
Abang Macho...(control cool)

Alahai...LuqH lagi....
(nak watcamne mostly gambar dia jer yg byk) Mum pun nak posing  jugak...

Masing2 Buzyy

The Eiffel Tower
Is an Iron Lattice Tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower.... Height 324m 
Was the world's tallest building in 1899. Today it attracts five million visitors every year...

In other words, be PREPARED TO QUEUE. 
Brave the Queue and you will be rewarded first with a true & the best views over Paris. 
There is the option of taking either the stairs or lift. 
Long Queue.... sejuk2 pun sabar beratur...
The View from above.....

Our Beloved BigBOSS
Thank U Darling for making our Dreams become Reality....
Ok for now...
sikit sikit jer nanti ada orang marah/menyampah pulak...
x maulah gitu...for me sharing is caring xde maksud lain punn...x kuasa...
lagipun dah berlambak2 orang pose kat Eiffel Tower ni kan...almost the same spot/// 
cuma yg beza cara posing masing2 & model yg pose....


to be continue.........