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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face...


Cut off one's nose to spite one's face....

The meaning :

Do not act rashly in pride,
 anger, retaliation etc...
because you might end up hurting yourself or your own interests rather than anybody else...

The meaning does make sense. 
in another words the phrase is an admonition not to do something that is meant to cause spite to others but only ends up causing spite to yourself...
It is an informal idiom meaning harming oneself out of pique, meaning that due to the fact that you were angry, you did or said something to provoke and harm other person, which consequently harmed you...

Disadvantage yourself in order to do harm to an adversary..

When first read ... seems odd to me... 
why a person so stupid to cut off his or her own nose - always a mystery to me...

Apa apa fikir dulu sebelum bertindak.... Tenangkan diri... Kalau tak...kita juga yg rugi.... Sharing is caring....

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