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Friday, February 1, 2013

Anxiety Years... Midlife Crisis.. OMG...

Terbaca satu article...

Sampai satu tahap dlm kehidupan 
tetiba kita akan....

Worry about...
* Retirement
* Relationships 
* Health Issues
* Identity crisis
* Work Woes
*Rainy Day
*Empty Nest Syndrome
Etc etc...

Is it true we Asians reach that mid point in life a lot earlier ?... 

Some of us review our lot in life and develop a feeling of angst about years lost and a foreboding about the future.

Midway on our life's journey can be a very challenging time. 
What we thought we knew, we no longer know. What we thought was important, 
no longer seems to be. 
It can be a tumultuous and  confusing time...

Someone once said...that,
Around midlife everyone 
goes maniac a little bit....
It's the feat that you're past your best.
It's the fear that the stuff you've done in the past is your best work...
Most younger adults anticipate that between their late thirties and their early fifties a day will come when they suddenly realise that they have squandered their lives and 
betrayed their dreams...

Is it for real or just a spiced up cliche that makes for great plots in life and provides an excuse for some of us to indulge in reckless behaviour???
Gets me wondering....
buang tabiat ker? @ terikut2 The Myths??

midlife is that halfway mark in life..
where you worry about what you left behind and what life has in store for you ahead...
Only a few of people have a genuine crisis. 
The rest of us simply find a way to adjust our identity without acting strangely or making decisions with dramatic effects...
We just wing it and live on autopilot, charging into our days that eventually
 crystallise into years.

Either way, the good news is that most of us will eventually weather the storm and come out a lot stronger and stable from 40 on wards. 
Those of us who have hit the big 40 Mark can attest to the fact that life has never been better on this side of the fence, give and take the niggles that come with the process of growing older. 
Emotionally and financially it's a great place to be and we could be forgiven for thinking that maybe 40 really is the new 20 (with more money).
Life really does taste sweetest where you are at...

Sharing is Caring....

today cuti, esok lusa pun cuti....
Have a wonderfull weekend guys...

Be Happy, have fun & enjoy life especially with your love ones...

Bye for now...


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