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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things you should not give your pet

Our pets are happiest when they get
 our love and attention. 
Bcoz of this we sometimes tend to spoil them... When we have our meal and our pet is closed by...
it is easy to feed them what we eat... 
Some pets will eat almost anything.
So we need to be careful or 
they will end up at the vet. 

Do watch what you feed your pets to prevent any problems.

Our children should also be taught that what's good for them may not be as good for their pets, even though they may only want to pamper them. 

It is best to just make sure that pets eat a well balance diet suitable for them...

Below are list of No not good food for pets. 

1. Bones

Bones can actually be harmful for animals.. 

Small bones like fish or chicken can break and stuck in their mouth or throat or intestines and block the passage.
If this happens, a surgery may be necessary.

2. Chocolates 

Chocolates can effect the heart, nervous system and arteries. 

Symptoms include vomitting or diarrhoea or more serious ones. 
If your pet has eaten chocolate you should your vet immediately. 

3. Alcohol 

Alcohol is very bad for cats. Even a little can make pet DRUNK. Animals can bump into things and hurt themselves. 

A high amount of alcohol will effect the heart, nervous system and breathing which can lead to death. 
It is best to give your pet clean water. 

4. Milk 

Milk consumed by us human is not good for pets as it can cause diarhoea. Goat milk can only be fed to newborns and should be stopped at four to six weeks after birth. 

5. Salted food and meat 
These food are very dangerous as they are high in fat and very salty. Can cause serious stomach ache.  

6. Onions 
Onions are poisonous to pets. They can damage their red blood cells and can cause death in animals. Once eaten the onion, your pet may become pale, weak and have trouble breathing. Get your pet to the vet right away if your pet get ill after eating onions. 

7. Caffeine
Is also bad for pets. Like chocolate it effects the heart, nervous system and within several hours can cause vomitting, fast heart beat and even death. So make sure your pet stay away from coffee and tea. 

8. Avocados 
Avocados are very high in fat and can cause stomach upset. The seed is poisonous and can get stuck in the intestines leading to a blockage, which may require an operation. 

9. Tuna 
 you may be surprised to know that tuna fish alone is bad for cats.. Cats require an amino acid called taurine to maintain normal srength and function. Tuna fish for us, does not have taurine and cats that eat too much tuna fish will develop heart problems.
If you want to give your cat the taste of tuna that they love, just make sure it is tuna fish for cats....

10. Grapes and raisins.
Grapes and raisins can lead to kidney problems in pets..
Small cats can also choke on grapes...

So guys, 
Love your pet the way you love your children....
Banyak pahala menjaga & membela mereka....

Pls visit for more info...
This article is courtesy of the Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation...

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Bye for now...

Take Care...


Sue Md

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