The papaya or, papaw, or pawpaw is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, the sole species in the genus Carica of the plant family Caricaceae. It is native to the tropics of the Americas, perhaps from southern Mexico and neighbouring Central America.
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Kaya dengan Vitamin A, Vitamin C
dan juga kalsium.
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mengurangkan risiko kanser,
penyakit jantung dan strok.
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disamping menghaluskan wajah agar
sentiasa awet muda.
Buah betik kaya dengan papain,
sejenis enzim yang baik
untuk proses pencernaan makanan.
Buah Betik baik untuk penjagaan
jantung yang sihat.
Buah Betik membantu dalam
pemulihan luka....
Amallah pemakanan Buah Betik...
Found this interesting article about....
Papaya Seeds@biji betik.
Yes Papaya Seeds.....While most people throw them away, papaya seeds and not only edible, small amounts of them in your diet can be surprisingly good for you.
Keep in mind though that chewing half a teaspoon of the seeds is not like eating papaya fruit. They have a strong flavor, more like a cross between mustard and black peppercorns.
If you can handle that, ahead are some of the main health benefits of papaya seeds, followed by some interesting ways to add them to your diet.
Like green papaya, the seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which can help rid your body of parasites. In the same way that papain breaks down protein waste, it may also break down parasites and their eggs.
Good levels of digestive enzymes in your diet are also believed to help normalize the environment in your intestinal tract, making it less hospitable to worms and other parasites. Green papaya capsules and high-strength powder are a simple alternative if you don’t have the fresh fruit and its seeds available.
The seeds from papaya also contain a unique anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine that has been shown to be very effective at killing parasitic worms and amoebas.
Papaya Seeds as a Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a disease, often caused by excessive alcohol consumption over many years, wherein the liver shrinks and becomes hardened. In this state it is ineffective at removing toxins from the body, leading to a variety of serious health problems.
Papaya seeds are often reported as an effective treatment for liver cirrhosis. One method is to grind up around five dried seeds in a pepper grinder, or crush up fresh ones in a mortar and pestle, and mix them with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Drink this down twice a day for a month. Many cirrhosis sufferers have had dramatic improvements with this powerful natural treatment.
Obviously consult your doctor first if you are being treated for cirrhosis of the liver, especially with regards to the papain enzyme that may interfere with medications.
Even for people without such obvious liver damage, a small amount of papaya seeds taken regularly is said to help with liver detoxification. And anything that can improve the vital functions of the liver will be likely to improve our health in general.
Antibacterial Properties
The seeds of papaya are believed to have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on our digestive systems. Studies have shown an extract made from them is effective at killing E coli, Salmonella, Staph and other dangerous bacterial infections.
Once again, their potent digestive enzymes like papain can help change the intestinal environment to one that is more favorable to the ‘good’ bacteria and less so to the bad ones that can cause so many health problems.
Precautions and Warnings
As a precaution, pregnant women should not use papaya seeds or the enzyme rich green papaya. There is also some animal research suggesting they may temporarily reduce a man’s fertility. I’ll leave it up to male readers whether they currently consider that a good or bad thing. Regardless, as with any substance with a strong physiological effect, it is best to take regular breaks rather than using it continuously for several months.
Papaya seeds with their high levels of carpaine and papain and other digestive enzymes are powerful. You don’t need many at a time, certainly not a whole fruit’s worth. After you scrape them out of a fresh fruit, it’s best to keep them in a sealed container in the fridge if you’re using them regularly, or in the freezer if only occasionally.
Eating Papaya Seeds for Digestive Health
If you’re just starting out with papaya seeds, or using them less regularly, it would be better to keep them in a sealed container in the freezer. They can be kept in this way for many months, though they should be defrosted before use, or soaked in hot water for a few minutes to warm and soften them. Alternatively, you could transfer any you intend to use for the next day into a container in the fridge the night before.
How to Eat Papaya Seeds
Start slowly when using papaya seeds as they are quite powerful. For someone who has never used them before, perhaps just a few the first time would be a good start.
If these are well-tolerated, you can slowly work up over a week or two to a quarter of a teaspoon, followed by half a teaspoon, then eventually a full teaspoon of fresh seeds. Taken with each protein heavy meal, this should be a good amount to get the full benefits of the proteolytic enzymes for your digestion.
Personally, I generally just chew around a teaspoon of papaya seeds, both straight from the fruit whenever I’m eating papaya itself, and from the fridge before a big protein meal. The flavor is definitely strong, with a peppery/mustard taste, but not too unpleasant to my taste buds.
I’ve noticed the pips from the larger papaya are generally stronger, whereas the smaller fruit have seeds that are comparatively mild. If you’re worried about the taste, it might be best to start with small papaya until you get accustomed to them.
In fact, honey is often recommended for use with papaya seeds parasite treatments, so maybe it’s not just to mask the taste. Manuka honey with its strong antibacterial properties would be particularly good for this.
Other options to consider include crushing the them up with a pestle and mortar and adding them to recipes where you’d usually use a strong peppery flavor.
Papaya seed pepper steak from grass fed beef is particularly good. Start by crushing up half a teaspoon of the seeds and rub them into the steak on both sides.
Leave it for about an hour before pan frying. The papain will tenderize the meat, while the seeds add a mustard and pepper flavor and really help with digesting the steak once it reaches your stomach.
Papaya Seed Pepper
For another way to use them regularly, try replacing the black peppercorns in your pepper grinder with papaya seeds. To do this, remove the seeds from the fruit and spread them out between thick paper towels, or better still, a tea towel you don’t mind washing.
Rub them quickly between the paper towels or tea towel to remove any attached pieces of fruit. Wash them and spread out flat to dry on a windowsill in the sunlight for several days.
If, like myself, you don’t live in the warmest of climates, particularly in winter, a dehydrator is great for these type of jobs and will cut the drying time down to hours. Dehydrators are also very useful for soaking and drying nuts and dehydrating fruits and berries for delicious homemade snacks.
Once the papaya seeds are dry, they actually look quite similar to peppercorns and can be used in just the same way. Grinding a couple over a meal, especially protein rich meals, is a simple way to add extra enzymes to your diet and improve your digestive health.
How to Use Papaya Seeds for Parasites
Some, but by no means all, of these symptoms can include bloating and excessive gas, frequent diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, extreme fatigue, an increasing number of allergies and poor general immunity with a lack of energy and regular sickness.
Pumpkin seeds are a traditional treatment for getting rid of human intestinal worms, but papaya seeds have also proven to be very effective.
The seeds from papaya fruit have anti-helminthic and anti-amoebic properties, meaning they kill intestinal worms and other parasites in our digestive system.
Using Papaya Seeds As a Parasite Treatment
There are three main differences between using papaya seeds for digestive health and using them for parasites. The first is the amount used, which will be significantly more. The second is that they are taken on an empty stomach, rather than with a large meal. And the third is that they are followed with a natural laxative to make sure as many parasites as possible are expelled.
Since chewing up a tablespoon of papaya seeds first in the morning isn’t the nicest way to start the day, here is a papaya seed smoothie recipe for killing parasites I came up. It contains several other powerful anti-parasitic foods to hit the nasties from several different angles.
The papaya seed dosage is quite high so it would be strongly recommended to have some experience of taking them, preferably in the doses on the previous page, for at least a week before using the larger amount described here. Additionally, the papaya enzyme side effects and warnings are especially relevant with the seeds of papaya fruit.
Parasite Killing Papaya Seed Smoothie Recipe
- Start with a full tablespoon of fresh papaya seeds. Scoop them straight out of the fruit and place them, with a cup of real, unflavored, bio-live yogurt (not the flavored ‘fruit’ kind), or coconut water, in a good blender that is capable of chopping up the seeds.
If your blender isn’t up to the task, you could crush the seeds in a mortar and pestle first, or even on a chopping board in a thick plastic bag with a heavy jar or mallet. They don’t need to be completely ground-up, but it makes sense that crushed seeds will work better than whole ones with their outer shell.
Add to the blender half a small or a quarter of a large chopped papaya. Ideally you’d be looking for a fruit that is just turning from green to yellow, with green more predominant. Papaya like these should still contain useful levels of digestive enzymes, while having a sweetness to it for a good taste.
As to the best papayas to use, I prefer the larger and more popular Mexican and South American fruits to the smaller Hawaiian papayas that may have GMO issues. Papayas are also not considered to be a fruit with a high pesticide load so organic, while preferable, isn’t vital if you’re on a budget.
- Along with the papaya seeds, fruit and yogurt, add a quarter of a cup of raw pumpkin seeds to the blender. Pumpkin seeds are particularly good for paralyzing worms in the lower intestine and add to the effectiveness of the papaya seed actions.
- Add around a third of a medium sized pineapple. Pineapples are also rich in digestive enzymes like bromelain that can have an anti-parasitic effect and improve the intestinal environment. And of course they taste great too.
Chop it up well enough to get down into the blades of the blender, but keep the core of your pineapple when you add it to the mix. Pineapple cores are not only full of fiber, they are also the part with the most bromelain.
A decent blender should chop this up fine enough. If it doesn’t, it would still be worth chewing up any small chunks and swallowing them down. And look for something like this if you enjoy well blended smoothies. I wouldn’t be without mine.
- Desiccated coconut is another ingredient known to be good for purging parasites. Add two heaped tablespoons. If you can find fresh coconut, adding the coconut water to this papaya seed smoothie to replace the yogurt and eating as much as you can of the coconut meat straight after it would be even more effective.
- Finally, add a full tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil. The lauric acid in coconuts is converted to the compound monolaurin in the digestive tract, which can help rid the body of protozea, ringworm and giardia parasites.
- As an optional extra, half a dozen or more fresh cloves can also be added to this smoothie. They are said to be especially good at getting rid of parasite eggs and may be even more effective mixed in with the digestive enzymes in this smoothie to break down the protective coating that cover intestinal worm’s eggs.
This will change the flavor somewhat but it’s more of an aftertaste rather than the potency you might get from having these on their own. As with the papaya seeds, the other ingredients really mask the strong flavor.
The cloves should be added at the same time as the papaya seeds so they are down near the blades and get well ground up. They are also most effective when they are fresh, organic and non-irradiated cloves like these.
Once you’ve added everything, blend up all of the ingredients on high until the consistency looks good to you. A little more yogurt or coconut water can be added if it’s too thick.
Drink the whole smoothie down in one sitting if you can. The sweetness of the papaya fruit and pineapple should overpower any bitterness from the seeds or skin. It certainly tastes better than any other parasite treatment I’ve ever tried.
Papaya Seeds Treatment Timing and Duration
The best time to drink this anti-parasite smoothie would be first thing in the morning on an empty stomach before food.
Since some parasites are believed to be paralyzed by a treatment rather than killed outright, it is also beneficial to follow it with a natural laxative to expel the worms and other nasties before they can recover.
Without getting into too much detail, it is sometimes possible to see evidence of the papaya seeds and other ingredients working when you visit the bathroom. Many parasites though are either too small, or expelled compacted within the stool.
So don’t be too concerned about whether you see them or not. There’s a good chance this combination of ingredients is making life very difficult for your unwelcome intestinal visitors.
Far more important, after the initial cleansing, is a reduction in any symptoms you’ve been experiencing and an improvement in your bowel movements. This will naturally lead to increasing energy levels and better health in general.
Be aware though that you may well experience a temporary worsening of symptoms when you first begin any kind of internal cleansing. This is commonly referred to as a healing crisis. With this papaya seed treatment you should usually feel significantly better after visiting the bathroom. Always trust what your body is telling you though and consult a knowledgeable healthcare professional if symptoms are prolonged and worsening.
Making up the smoothie three or even four mornings in a row would be a good initial treatment time. Many of us have offices to go to during the week though and triphala at the higher doses, and especially castor oil, are very effective at their jobs.
Given this, drinking the smoothie on both Saturday and Sunday morning for two weekends in a row should be just as effective. As a precaution, no laxatives should be taken for more than five days in a row (triphala is fine at the lower doses for longer term use).
It can also be a very good idea to repeat the treatment again in around two weeks time from when you finished and then again in another two weeks after that, even if you are feeling much better. The reason for this is to coincide with the breeding cycles of common parasites, such as tapeworms, hookworms and pinworms.
It is often possible for a cleanse to be effective at removing adult parasites and intestinal worms, but not before they have laid their eggs, which are said to often be even more difficult to remove. By repeating the treatment three times over a 6 week period there’s a much better chance of interrupting this breeding cycle. Some resources even recommend continuing treatments for up to 3 months to be completely sure that you have dealt with all parasites at their various life cycles
Parasite Cleansing
Doing a parasite cleanse may seem like a lot of effort, but many people are amazed at just how good they feel after a successful treatment.
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