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Hello Hello Hello..... Assalammualaikum..... Hi again...., A simple update for today K ... Hope you guys will enjoy seeing ...
FRIM... A forest is just a walk away from our house but never had time to go there...... So today...lets go and explore... ...
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Luggage Repair...
Sharing is caring......
Last March my better half & I went to Mid Valley - Education Fair...arrived early so kami jalan jalan dulu...bukan selalu dpt jalan berdua....
Macam2 kedai kami masuk & since my hubby selalu travel ie fly...hahahaha he is not a Pilot @ air steward yer....His job needs him to be all over the world....bestnyerkan....kita juga yg selalu kena tinggal = ( what to bosses still small / schooling...during the school holidays jer boleh bawa....
Ok..back to the story.... Turun naik center court, north court...south court naik balik semua courts maka termasuklah ke dlm satu kedai jual luggage di situ...pilih punya pilih maka terbelilah satu luggage besar....price ok quality ok ada warranty lagi....
Maka...bermulalah perjalanan luggage tersebut....macam2 destinasi dia sampai ikut mana tuannyer fly... Baru2 ni..last destination dia sampai jer rumah tengok senget sebelah....wahhhh..seronok niii...ingatkan hubby shopping sakan masa kat overseas tuuu....hahahahahaha...well adalah sikit2 but xlah sampai senget beg tuuu....rupa2 nya....tayar tercabut satu akibat balingan mat2 salleh d bhg cargo... My bigboss bising & suruh cari resit@warranty luggage tersebut....cari punyer cari...x jumpa2...entah mana letak x jumpa2...biasa dlm satu file jer but xde... Called kedai dia...mereka kata kena juga bawa resit baru boleh claim under warranty... Dah lah nak pergi jauh..resit x we end up sending the luggage to another shop nearer to our house...
Kedai yg baru ni pun satu hal...upah pasang/baiki dia nak caj rm150...mak aiiii....mahalnyer..... Boleh beli satu beg baru smaller saiz...
Hubby kata xpelah x jadi... Cari tempat lain sehingga terjumpa satu kedai...
Long March Trading
376 Jalan Raja Laut
50350 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 4041 6663 (Mr. Wong)
Kami hantar sabtu petang around 5pm....jalan nak ke sini senang jer & kedai dia pun tepi jalan jer cuma parking susah sikit...kena dtg berdua so that sorang duk dlm kereta and another person hantar...
Dalam kedai..penuh dgn beg2 pelbagai saiz, jenis, warna & jenama...penuh sangat2....Mr Wong pun baik sangat...katanya Ahad kedai tutup so kena dtg ambil Isnin...wahhh..oklah tuu cepatlah juga...nak tahu berapa upah baiki/pasang..????????? Cam x percaya jer bila Mr Wong cakap RM 20.... Hihihihi ok sangat2 compare dgn RM150 & 3 weeks nak siap....
So sapa2 ada luggage, small bags, medium bags, handbags etc yg rosak bolehlah check out this place ya...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Burger Burger...BURGERS...
Good Morning....
Hari baru, minggu baru...
sekejap jer masa berlalu kan....
Jumaat ini 26/10/12 dah nak Raya Haji @ AidilAdha....
mesti sibuk kemas rumah,
kemas beg bagi yg akan pulang beraya di kampung....
x sabar rasanya nak balik kampung....
walaupun perjalanan jauh dan berjam jam di duk dalam kereta
balik kampung...
jumpa Bonda Mek tersayang serta keluarga yg lain...
yg paling exclusif...belakang rumah dapat hirup udara segar dari Laut China Selatan.....
tuuu yang excited sangat2...
kids apalagi...
a must buy...
duk saja x buat apa apa pun best...
bila petang jer...sinilah tempat yg dituju untuk....
oppssss...sorry xleh buka pulak video ni....saja tau...
ok tempat yg akan dituju bila petang jer....ialah...
nyum nyum .......
semua ada dari Ikan, udang, sotong, ketam dan lain2 semuanya dicelup tepung
Yeay x sabar nak balik kampung......
last week kids semua buzy dgn weekend baru2 ni saja bawa mereka jalan2, shopping sambil makan2......
tapi my kids being my kids...bila bab makan tanya nak makan apa....mesti BURGER.....BURGER....BURGER....
(laaaaa xder makanan lain ker nak makan....dahlah BigBoss nak belanja...Mom plan nak p makan Japanese di One World Hotel....Burger pulak dahhhh.....)
jawapan mereka ...."BURGER"...senang, sedap dan xyah nak fikir banyak2 apa nak order.....
Akhirnya...di sinilah kami dinner.....
(Bigboss kata...oklah..cheaper dari makanan JEPUN)
Sukalah tuuuu....semua kekenyangan....
dah full....sambung jalan jalan sambil Mom & Bigboss shopping....
To you guys out there....
Selamat Membuat persiapan untuk menyambut kedatangan Raya Haji/AidilAdha/Raya Qurban....
Insyaallah Panjang Umur kita jumpa lagi.....
To you guys out there....
Selamat Membuat persiapan untuk menyambut kedatangan Raya Haji/AidilAdha/Raya Qurban....
Insyaallah Panjang Umur kita jumpa lagi.....
Monday, October 15, 2012
out on a mission.. without the kids....
lepas selesai hantar makanan ke rumah, baru tenang hati nak keluar berdua dgn hubby....
(love the view..tapi harini agak gelap sedikit KL View x cantik seperti biasa...)
we decided to go tooo.....
ingatkan x ramai orang tetapi.........fuhhh...berebut rebut....
wow......look at the queue...
dalam berebut2 tadi the bags that we manage to buy....
ok mission accomplished....
Lama x datang MidValley...berdua pulak tu...tenang saja berjalan tanpa perlu pening kepala risau anak2 takut hilang... best juga..window shopping tengok sales sana, sales sini, sales situ....
sempat plan nak beli apa untuk next outing with hubby....
penat berjalan...As beloved hubby akan lapar bila 1230pm...
so we decided to go and have lunch....
Just the two of us enjoying our lunch.....simple jer...jaga kesihatan.... = )
My beloved spouse.....
the most important person in my life...
our marriage is the foundation upon which my family is built.
The more love between us as Papa & Mama...the more secure and stable our children feels....
Just wanna share a few simple things that go a long way to maintain a loving relationship that lasts....
Be Kind, Be the tone of your voice as we speak to our spouse...
just imagine how you feel when he/she speaks to you that way...
Be Nice.....
You gain your spouse's respect and affection...
Don't take your spouse for granted...
Spend time with each other when you know your kids need you the least...
just talk and enjoy each other's presence...
Take Care....
Jalan Jalan Cari makan...
YeaY....the Babysitter is at home...
since my son @ babysitter is still on holiday....Mum & Dad boleh keluar on a date = )
.....kesian Basyier kena jaga adik2...layannn...selagi boleh kan bang...
Mum & Dad first stop is.....
Jalan Jalan Cari Makan.....pasar pagi nearby home..... macam macam ada..nasi kerabu, nasi berlauk, ketupat, nasi himpit sambal kuah kacang, kerabu sereer dan macam2...
on the way back to the car...ternampak seorg makcik ni jual udang kering....besar2..emmmmmmm.....lama x jumpa udang besar2 gini...
sempat beli dua tiga chetong.....
Saturday, October 13, 2012
New Kid on the BLOG = )
Hah.."KID" lagi ker???? Kids Mummy adalah...
well still believe that deep down inside everyone...a kid is still there no matter how old you are...
betul kan...
Well...Good Morning....
no sun today but lots of wind..very windy and dark...
gonna rain soon... rezeki..sejuk jer...
ok, back to the post above....
actually memang I am new to blogging ni..baru dua hari cuba cuba... senang bila dah tahu cara tapi being me....fulltime housewife.....banyak benda kena buat dan kejar masa....agak susah juga duk depan lappy..
bukan susah x faham cuma sekejap on sekejap off....
tengah leka design lupa nak save dahhhh...hilang semuanyer....emmmmmmmm x pe tu cabaran namanya...
dah lama simpan angan2 nak buat blog tapi seru x datang....
still teringat ingat kata2 my beloved fren/sis ak Shahriah Abdullah Novelist cum Masterchef Malaysia season 1....."Kak Sue...Sha buzy sikit nowdays buat blog...senang sangat Kak Sue nak buatnyer dan.........etc etc..."......tuu x silap setahun @ dua tahun yang lalu....(yelah nowdays Shahriah's Blog dah famous banyak cerita & followers).....
for me..apa nak tulis ek?????
I am just a simple person living loving my life.....
hubby pun kata...u nak tulis apa...?
cerita kena best2 dan ada orang berminat nak baca atau ikut.....
(betul juga..apa nak tulis/ Idea.... = (
nak jadikan cerita and just nak share...
biasa bila salah seorang anak nak - as mummy yang akan terlebih stress, tapi depan anak maintain COOL...
cool mum katakan = ).....
so dah duty to make sure makan minum etc etc....anak yg tengah exam extra terjaga sikit....
bila I stress selalunyer gi...window shopping, shopping @ outing.....tapi kesian pulak tinggal anak kat rumah study sorang2...
jadi terapi diatas terpaksa dikurangkan buat sementara waktu...
bila di rumah....untuk release tension...selalunya..perabot2, pasu pokok bunga dan etc yang akan jadi mangsa..alih sana alih sini...alih situ......kemas itu ini...
tapi entah kenapa...xde mood pula sekarang ni....
ada masa free biasa Ipad yg jadi teman....
Love watching Mad Market on tv @ on tonton again & again.......
best...banyak info info menarik, berguna dan paling seronok....dpt tengok Hanis Zalikha hos ala ala manja, cute gituuuu.....
(bila dah minat mulalah baca blog Hanis....& kebetulan pula..adik Hanis goes to the same school dgn my son Luqman - mesti kenalkan..sama2 Rugby player....)...
baca punya baca...tetiba sampai seru...
Y not buat blog sendiri...saja suka suka cuba...kalau x cuba x tahu.... & just be blog so be myself....
maka dari situlah bermulanya my blogging world...
banyak lagi yg kurang....baru nak belajar....akan improve dari masa ke semasa...depends on the time I have....kalau ada salah silap harap maafkanlah yer...kalau ada yg nak tunjuk ajar...amat2 dihargai sangat2.....x salah share ilmu..selagi org guna..selagi itulah pahala kita dapat.....
till then....alamakkkk got to go...hujan turun dengan lebatnyer sudaaaaaaa.....
oh my washing....
bye for now....
enjoy the weekend guy....
Friday, October 12, 2012
JUST A SLICE....puts a smile on her face...
When my Handsome BiGGBoss
gone outstation.... =)
(being me)...the cook... gets a day or two off from the kitchen...
=) =) =)
first stop......
secret recipe -
YeaY my sweet little baby ...Maryam turns 7 today...
no more lil' baby but lil' Princess Maryam Arissa.....
"may you live in your beautiful dreams that align with God's plan and purpose for your life..."
luv u Baby...opppp my Princess...
(enjoying her own slice of cake...on diet katanya)....
- but actually takut BigBoss @ Papa merajuk bcoz
x tunggu sehingga dia balik dari overseas baru makan kek & celebrate sama2....
Happy 7th Birthday Aina Maryam Arissa
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Nature Lovers got to come here right in the Capital City Of Kuala Lumpur...
A forest is just a walk away from our house but never had time to go there......
So today...lets go and explore...
Some of the views along the way...
After 25 minutes of walking, jogging, snapping photos & stopping along the way up to the top...
finally we arrived at the Titian Canopy Walk....
Signboard to
Titian Canopy walk FRIM.......
This is very IMPORTANT - Read it...
(1) one person must be at least 2 planks distance away from another.
(2) there are 3 stops...the second and the third are more scenic...
after giving the staff, waiting inside the wooden cabin our tickets bought earlier at the Souvenir Shop
(RM5 per person for the canopy walk) ..
our journey on those wobbly suspension wooden bridge bermula...
The briefing
BigBoss & anak2 dara first to go...
slow and steady..cannot rush - bahaya..
(Luqman biasalah xleh lari tapi mesti nak lari juga....
ada berani...
xdenyer nak lari....bergoyang2 tali....
ni pose ala ala manja.... jer)
ada berani...
xdenyer nak lari....bergoyang2 tali....
ni pose ala ala manja.... jer)
The view from this pitstop of the canopy walkaways is magnificent....
(for me I had to pretend to be cool and liked everything but boy takkkuuuuttttt...fuhhhhhh)
all I did was snap snap snap & snap photos of my kids....
(sempat lagi tuu posing abang & adik)
on the way down from the canopy walk...
at last sampai bawah...
fuhhh selamat...
seram sejuk mama kat atas sana tapi still boleh snap a few photos...
fuhhh selamat...
seram sejuk mama kat atas sana tapi still boleh snap a few photos...
this is the view of the canopy walk from below...
crawling creatures...pelik2..
My Hubby kata ini pokok banyak "Pahala"....wanna know Y????? jalan turun agak curam dan licin so pokok nilah tempat orang pegang sehingga batangnya sudah bertukar menjadi hitam.....hahahahaha.
(info about the end of my story mory)
Pokok apa ni????
nak tunjuk kasut dia sebenarnyer...
My Bosses.....
Luv this photo...GREEN, GREEN & GREENS...
tinggi pokok ni...
ni yang paling ditakuti....
mesti ada pacat..nasib baik x nampak..
sedar sedar dah berdarah jer.....
(pengsan mama)
on the way down..
.......biasalah Luqman kalau x interframe x sah....
ok as promised...,
Info about this Photo....
This is called "Puzzle-like"
It is a pattern of the individual tree crowns separated by gaps and outlined against the sky. This phenomenon is called " Crown Shyness"....
The reason for its name is because the leaf tips of the Dryobalanops aromatica appear to be shy towards their own kind, hence forming the gap.... COOOL Kan = ).
This tree is also known as Kapur Tree and has a nice smelling known as camphor,
one of the main component of making ointment. The ointment is used for stomach massages after child delivery...
Had fun today...will sure come again...
Office Opening Hours :
8 am - 6 pm (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday)
Joggers Opening Hours :
Address :
Forest Research Institute
Malaysia (FRIM), 52100 Kepong
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Email :
T 603-62797000 F 603-62731314
Info about FRIM Kepong..
FRIM is located along......
the Selayang-Kepong Highway.
You can take the KTM Komuter train from Kuala Lumpur Railway station or any KTM Komuter Station that is in the vicinity and head for Kepong Station. Once you reach Kepong Central Station, alight from the train and take a taxi to FRIM.
FRIM or Forest Research Institute of Malaysia is a must for all nature lovers who are in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur.
The 600 hectares tropical forest contains a wealth of flora and fauna with approximately 15,000 species of plants through for a layman in botanic, all of them look greeneries.
As you enter FRIM, you will be amazed by the arboretums or living museum of trees.
Walk through the many nature trails and discover the many species of flora and fauna here.
Remember to go to the information counter for a briefing and purchase some brochures on the plants that you will encounter before you move out to explore the surrounding area.
Canopy Walkway is a MUST GO....
& must not be missed.
This canopy is suspended 30m from the ground and spans over 200m. Be hold and walk through the hanging canopy and you will be able to see the breath taking view of the city and the greeneries of the forest.
In order to go to the canopy walk, you will need to buy a ticket from the souvenir shop which is in the same building as the information center/counter.
The cost is RM5/adult and RM1/child.
The walkaway is open everyday
from 930am until 230pm.
It is closed on Mondays and Fridays.
The reason for its closure in the afternoon is because of the strong wind that blows in the afternoon.
In order to reach the canopy walkway on time before its closure, please allocate 1 hour journey up the hill from the information counter.
If you are fit, you will probably reach the canopy walkway in 30 minutes time or lesser...
For big groups, a guide can be requested for a reasonable fee of RM 80 to RM100...
for reservation call + 603 62797525
Other activities that you can do include camping, family and team building activities, picnic near the waterfall and jogging...
even you get to see newly bride/groom often come here to do their outdoor wedding photography...
Check out the Waterfall...
when you come down from the canopy walk,
go towards the signage that shows the direction to the picnic area by following the water pipelines and you will soon encounter an area where you can have some fun in the water.
The water is refreshing and cool...
Don't forget to wear a good walking shoes,
bring along your towel,
drinking water and some foodstuff....
but there are shops located opposite the waterfall entrance.
Selling local Malaysian dishes...Yummy....
Insect repellant will come handy especially if you encounter some mosquitoes or other insects along the way...
There are a few nature trails that you can explore. The popular ones are the Keruing Trail and the Salleh Nature Trail.
Make sure you purchase the brochures for both trails that will show you what to see as you move along the trail. Very handy...
The brochure cost only RM1 per copy.
For more information...
check out the FRIM website...
get Info from Malaysia Vacation Guide...
Come here & experience the fun..
Luv Always...
Sue Md.
Luv Always...
Sue Md.
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